Monday, 27 June 2016

Pebbles 6th Std. Olympiad Preparation & Model Paper (DVD)

  • Media Format: DVD
  • Easy to understand tutorial

Product Description

Pebbles presents "6th Std. Olympiad Preparation & Model Paper - English, Maths & Science, a CD-ROM intended to encourage the young generation to nurture their talent in these subjects. The English Olympiad is a national English competency program targeted at young learners. It is both a certification program and a competition. The Science Olympiad is an Academic & Scholastic Aptitude competition, encouraging learning in Science and the Environment. Mathematics Olympiad is a means to identify and encourage the mathematical creativity of children in schools across India and abroad. This CD caters to all the requirements of the students who are appearing for National/State level and International Maths/English and Science Olympiad exams. The teaching methodology creates an environment of participative learning where the students are able to understand the concepts through animations and visuals with voice over thereby improving the child's memory and retention power. All the fundamental concepts of Maths, Science( Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and English for Class VI are covered with illustrations, Visuals, Mock Tests, Model papers and interesting activities to make learning fun and enjoyable. English Articles & Prepositions Nouns & Pronouns Adverbs & Adjectives Tenses Active and Passive Voice Conjunctions Indirect speech, Comprehension Integrated Grammar Exercise Maths Knowing Your Number , Whole numbers Playing with numbers Basic Geometrical ideas, Measurement Understanding elementary Shapes Integers, Fractions & Decimals Data Handling, Mensuration Algebra, Ratio and Proportion Symmetry and Practical Geometry Analytical and Logical Reasoning Geometry Science Food, Health and Hygiene Fibre to Fabric Sorting and Separation of materials into Groups Changes Around us. Living Organisms and their Surroundings Motion and Measurement of Distance Light, Shadows and Reflections Electricity and Circuits Fun with Magnets Air and Water

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