Monday, 27 June 2016

Pebbles Nursery Rhymes - 3D - 1, 2 & 3 (DVD)

  • Media Format: DVD

Product Description

Pebbles presents "3D Animated Nursery Rhymes Vol - 1, 2, & 3", in English with good animation and music. The Rhymes are presented in 3D mode for the children to have a real life feeling. The selected popular rhymes in each Volume, offer the children a fun - time, with a buddy character introducing each of the rhymes. The Rhymes presented with lively and clear voice of Pop Shalini will help the children to catch up with the lyrics easily and make them sing along. A first of its kind, the children can easily follow the lyrics with the animated characters, live introduction and background music for each Rhyme.

3D Nursery Rhymes Vol-1 39 Rhymes
Number rhymes After a bath Baa baa black sheep Christmas bell Chubby cheeks Ding dong bell The dog says bow Engine no. 9 Five little soldiers Goosey goosey Hickory dickory Hot cross buns Humpty dumpty Jack and jill Johny johny Little bo beep Little jack horner Little miss muffet Lolly pop London bridge Mary had a little lamb Me an apple Mickey mouse Mummy's gone My band One two buckle Pussy cat Rain rain go away Ring ring a roses Rock a bye baby Simple simon Little Tea pot Teddy bear The clock To market to market Tooth brush Twinkle twinkle little Two little dicky birds Wee willie winkie.
3D Nursery Rhymes Vol-2 36 Rhymes
ABCDEFG Bit of paper I hear thunder Kites, flying high Puff-a-train Quick! Quick! Six little ducks Up in the dark sky Violin, violin Zebra prancing We are Indians The dog says Old MacDonald Lucy Locket lost Tom tom the piper's Bend, bend, your Pit-pat well a day Rat-a-tat My Jack in the box Bubbles, here & there Donkey! donkey! Elly! the elephant Up! Up! Up! Yellow! Everywhere Jingle bells Clap your hands Cobbler, cobbler Are you Sleeping? Dip, dip, dip Pat a cake Mistress mary Ten little fingers Look, see the clown Where are you going Row, Row your boat Incy, Wincy spider.
3D Nursery Rhymes Vol-3 40 Rhymes
My red balloon Round and round X' mas tree The sun shines Where are you going?

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